Have you been interested in booking a pole dancing workshop, but have had a couple of reservations? I thought I would address some of these possible worries so that the next time you see a workshop that you are interested in you won’t be worried about booking in!


Myth: You need to be very advanced

Workshops are usually catered to different levels, so make sure you ask what the prerequisites are for the one you are interested in. You will probably be surprised that most workshops aren’t for the super advanced, and a good pole instructor will usually be able to offer you variations that suit you if you are struggling with certain moves or techniques. Don’t let your level of experience put you off from a potentially fun and rewarding pole experience.


Myth: They are all about pole tricks

Think workshops are just about nailing crazy pole moves and combos? Think again! With the pole world growing you can now find workshops for a whole host of different skills. There are workshops teaching floor work, choreography, pole flow, flexibility training, stripper style, heel work, and more! So, if you want to work on something other than pole tricks, don’t be put off workshops, they can still work for you.


Myth: They are very expensive

You see your favourite pole stars advertising workshops and you might think ‘I’ll never afford that!’, but not all workshops are mega bucks. You can often find workshops that are extremely affordable with incredible dancers. Keep an eye out for what studios near you are hosting, and if you like the look of something don’t be afraid to ask about the prices, they might be perfectly in your budget.


Myth: You need to nail everything first time

OK, you have booked onto a workshop, paid and traveled to the pole studio, it is easy to then put a lot of pressure on yourself to nail everything that you learn on the day. You really don’t need to! Workshops will usually be a mix of things you get straight away, and lots of things that you probably won’t learn immediately, so don’t let yourself get nervous or upset about your progress during the class.

Make sure you ask your instructor if you are allowed to film them (some instructors won’t allow it so it may even be worth checking this before you book). If you are allowed to film take a record so that you can practice the move later on.


Myth: You can’t ask questions

When you book pole dancing workshops with your pole idol no one can blame you for getting a bit star struck, but don’t let this stop you from asking for help during the class. You may think that you are just there to listen in awe, but you have paid to be there so make sure you ask for help if you are struggling or need anything clarifying. That famous pole dancer is just a person too, and I’m sure they won’t mind you talking to them.




I hope that if you have avoided workshops in the past because of any of the above worries, that you will reconsider and maybe book yourself on to aworkshop soon. 

What myths have you heard about pole dancing workshops?

Leave your experiences in the comments below.